Thursday, April 22, 2010

"Wither would you wander?... Far and Far Away, Among the Meadows" - Tennyson




"Dainty little maiden, whither would you wander?
Whither from this pretty house, this city-house of ours?
"Far and far away," said the dainty little maiden,
"All among the meadows, the clover and the clematis,
Daisies and kingcups and honeysuckle-flowers." -Tennyson

This poem seems so appropriate to me, especially taking senior portraits. I think for parents, it is bittersweet, thinking of their children that have grown up beautiful. They are so proud, yet it's so hard to let them go. Brittany was so beautiful to take pictures of. Look at that gorgeous red dress. I wish her the best as she graduates from high school and moves on to college where lots of adventures are sure to happen.

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